# 10 Sometimes, when we try to follow the blazes exactly, it ends in disaster.
See the bright blue blaze high on the tree to the left? Some are bracketed in black, others are just blue, but these markers are unmistakably offered to guide hikers (like me).

This week’s lesson came to me from Gillian (Jillian?), a fellow hiker who caught up to me at one point, chatted while I videotape her descent for last week’s lesson on “no absolutes” (#11), and went on her way. While I was videotaping her, I realized she was giving me a new lesson worth grabbing.
In the few minutes we interacted, I found a lovely respite from my trek. Thanks Gillian/Jillian.
Watch as she fills me in on a lesson she’d just learned after “landing on her butt,” that when you try to follow the blazes exactly, it can sometimes lead to disaster. Thanks again, Jillian (Gillian).
Warning: my voice is startlingly loud at first; it softens as we go on.
We’ll see Gillian (Jillian) again in a future post.
How about you? Have you got a good “disaster” story from a time when you tried to “follow the blazes” exactly?
If you missed the earlier posts in this series, here are the links:
#13 When the going gets tough, each step is of equal importance.
#12 Sometimes, perseverance is more important than having fun.
#11 Sometimes, there is no single, absolutely right place to put your foot.
Marian Beaman
My grandson Curtis put his foot in the wrong place as he was hiking with his dad and another boy cousin in Yosemite a few weeks ago. They didn’t follow the blazes exactly and he lost his footing and got a huge goose-egg on his head. I would hate to lose a grandson (or anyone) because of a misstep leading to grave consequences.
The Quick-time was a nice touch, Janet.
By the way, today’s post shows my not following the blazes or even recognizing them in the first place.
Janet Givens
Yours is a great story of what happens when we Don’t follow the blazes. Ouch. I trust he’s healing nicely. I read your post this morning, Marian. It’s hilarious. And a great example of how frustrating we can get with we get fixated on the “one right way.” I thought you summed it up well. Btw, I’m glad you like the video. I noticed it doens’t show up on my iPhone or my iPad. Not sure why. Both have the QuickTime app.
JOAN Z. Rough
Hiking in places like Camel’s Hump get tricky as we get on in age. I would definitely take my time and think about where my feet should go! So glad you love doing this!
Janet Givens
Hey Joan. I do love hiking in the woods. I have for years. But I just learned the other day that Woody (hubs) has never enjoyed hiking for hiking sake. Never thought that anyone would’t like it. I do. The challenge of it, the peacefulness around me, just being outside. All are appealing to me, this long-time city girl. I think of all those, it’s the challenge that appeals the most. wondering about that now. Thanks for stopping. You always get me thinking anew.
Susan Joyce
Nice one! Only remember following blazes on well trodden paths. Made getting to the top and back down easier. Most of my walking is done along the beach. Walking is my think time.
Janet Givens
Ah, Susan, the issue of how well-trodden … two roads diverged in the woods, and I chose the one less traveled … Wish I had thought of that enroute. It would make yet another post. You take it. I’ll come over. 🙂
I too love walking the beach. I love the sound of the water mostly. But I’ve yet to find a beach that isn’t even slightly on a slant; it’s hard on my back. So, I can’t go as far. When I’m in Chincoteague I do about a 30 minute walk as often as possible. I love the isolation of the beach. (I’m not there in the summer!)
Life Lesson #1 From Camel’s Hump |
[…] Gillian? We met her back at Lesson #10 (Sometimes, when you try to follow the blazes, it ends in disaster). Here she is again, starring in the same lesson-packed […]
Life Lesson #6 From Camel’s Hump – Janet Givens
[…] #10 Sometimes, when we try to follow the signs, it ends in disaster. […]