#1 Sometimes, we have to forge our own path.

Remember Gillian? We met her back at Lesson #10, Sometimes, when you try to follow the blazes, it ends in disaster.
Sometimes, we have to break the “rules,” follow our own path (and stay up off our butts). Sometimes, that’s how we survive.

David captures me near the top, with a smile on my face.
How about you? Which of the many lessons in this series resonated most with you?
[learn_more caption=”If you missed the earlier posts, here are the links:”] #13 When the going gets tough, each step is of equal importance.
#12 Sometimes, perseverence is more important than having fun.
#11 Sometimes, there is no single, absolutely right place to put your foot.
#10 Sometimes, when we try to follow the signs, it ends in disaster.
#9 Sometimes, the path we need to take doesn’t look like a path at all.
#8 Sometimes, we just have to stop and listen.
#7 Sometimes, we just have to stop and stare at the view.
#6 Sometimes, it’s nice to have a reminder that we’re going in the right direction.
#5 Sometimes, it doesn’t matter which way we go.
#4 Sometimes, when we feel alone, it’s good to remember that others have gone before.
#2 Sometimes, we need to follow the rules.
Thank you for staying with me through my summer series. Being able to tackle so many posts early in the summer offered me a great opportunity to sit back a bit, focus on getting my Deleted Scenes ebook ready to launch, dig in the soil more than usual, and read. I had a great summer; I hope you did too.
Next week I’ll be starting a series on Friendship, one of the themes in my memoir, At Home on the Kazakh Steppe. I look forward, over the next few weeks, to hearing your stories of friendship in your life. See you then.
Merril Smith
Great series, Janet! I admire your planning. My posts are nearly always written right before I post them. 🙂
I love the photo of you with your big–triumphant?–smile.
Ultimately, I suppose we all forge our own paths.
Janet Givens
Thanks, Merril. It’s been good having you along on the hike. 🙂
Marian Beaman
Your post today is short, sweet and power-packed, just my style. My grandson misplaced his foot hiking Red Canyon National Park in Nevada this summer, an adventure that involved a visit to the emergency room. You’d better believe he learned a life lesson about foot placement and hiking safety.
Janet Givens
Ah yes, the old “each step is of equal importance” lesson. A good one to keep in mind at such times.
Thanks for joining me on the journey down, Marian.
Lessons Learned As I Cross the Sea – Janet Givens
[…] back “Janet Mock.” And, just as it did descending Camel’s Hump so long ago (see my series, beginning with Lesson #1, here) the metaphors were ripe for the […]