#6 Sometimes, it’s nice to have a reminder that we’re going in the right direction.
I remember this one at though it happened last week. (insider joke here; see Lesson #8)
I’d been inching my way down the mountain, every now and again seeing those blue markers on the trees and being fairly confident that I hadn’t somehow stumbled off onto one of the secondary paths. But still . . .
Then, I saw this sign as clear as I could ever need. Big, bold letters: the parking lot was 2.5 miles further.
Handwriting on the wall. I welcomed it more than I’d have expected. I’d really never thought I was lost or even off-track. So, when the sign that I was on track brought me an unexpected warm fuzzy, I took note.
It’s not much different, I got to thinking, than an unexpected pat on the back, “good job,” or even a simple “thank you.”
How about you? When have you appreciated seeing the handwriting on the wall? When’s the last time you gave out that unexpected piece of validation?
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#13 When the going gets tough, each step is of equal importance.
#12 Sometimes, perseverance is more important than having fun.
#11 Sometimes, there is no single, absolutely right place to put your foot.
#10 Sometimes, when we try to follow the signs, it ends in disaster.
#9 Sometimes, the path we need to take doesn’t look like a path at all.
#8 Sometimes, we just have to stop and listen.
#7 Sometimes, we just have to stop and stare at the view.
Susan Joyce
One time a squirrel showed me the way. Signs are always comforting, even when they lead you back to where you started.
Signs do come on all shapes and sizes. I’m curious to know, Susan, if you’d been looking for a sign, when your squirrel showed up? I think there’s extra jubilation when I find a sign I wasn’t expecting.