Change is in the air. It’s spring and with spring comes spring break. And this year, my spring break has taken a different turn.
I’ve decided to step away from And So It Goes for the rest of the Spring, returning (so the plan goes) in June.
I write what I need to learn, you know; always have. And there is much out there I still want to understand better. But, I need a bit of time, of distance, to discover what that is again.
Over the past six years, my blog evolved; I think it grew up. Curiosity, courage, and compassion became my watchwords as we looked more deeply into those cultural differences that surround us, that sometimes make us gasp and often make us smile.
Except that over the last few years, my smiles have gotten fewer and fewer. I want to find them again.
Writing helps me chew, helps me savor or spit out as the case may be. It’s again about choices, isn’t it: what we cling to, what we discard, what we ignore?
Here in Vermont, April brings the final melting of the snowpack, followed by what the locals affectionately (or not) call mud season. Roads can become impassable so April also brings the last few weeks of hibernation for us as we finish up the cordwood we brought in last June. It’s a good time to write.
May is when the annual work on our land begins in earnest — encouraging the woods to attract more wildlife, harvesting the firewood for 2021, repairing the gardens from winter’s assault, and enjoying what we’ve created here, what we already have. I look forward to that work. It helps me clear my head.
I feel excited by this decision I’ve made, that same excitement I’d feel as a child before each new school year began, or as a young wife in the last long weeks of my pregnancies, or more recently when I began this blog.
I called that first post Jumping off the high dive. You can find it here.

What will emerge here at And So It Goes when I return — when I land in that pool — I do not know. I can guess; I can imagine; I can hope. I really do not know.
In the meantime, I hope you’ll remember that you do make a difference every day. And, as Jane Goodall says, it’s up to you what kind you want to make.
And so it goes.

Merril D Smith
Now, I just clicked through from FB, and I can comment. Weird.
Enjoy your break, or whatever it is. If you are no longer finding joy in blogging, then there’s no reason to do it. It sounds like you have many other joyful things going on in your life–as well as many other things that will just keep you busy. 🙂
Merril D Smith recently posted…Things the River Carries: NaPoWriMo
Janet Givens
Joy: how often I take it for granted. Thanks for that reminder, Merril. I’m looking forward to seeing what will spring forth.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Marian Beaman
Smart woman!
Your post took me instantly to Wordsworth’s The Tables Turned:
And hark! how blithe the throstle sings!
He, too, is no mean preacher:
Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher.
Savor the break and enjoy a Vermont spring with Woody and all! 🙂
Marian Beaman recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Fancy Frocks
Janet Givens
Wordsworth, good choice. Thanks Marian. Nature teaches, though ever so quietly sometimes. I must be still and listen. Thank you for understanding.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Laurie Buchanan
Janet — Enjoy the bajeebers out of your blogging break!
Laurie Buchanan recently posted…College on $1 Day
Janet Givens
Will do, Laurie. Love the alliteration!
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
susan scott
Have fun Janet, I’ll miss your posts. May Spring bring Smiles galore to you and Woody 🙂
Janet Givens
Thank you so much, Susan. Your generous spirit touches me.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Tim Fearnside
Janet, I hope your break gives you precisely what you need from it. I understand — too well, really — the need to take it, as well as your comment that “over the last few years, my smiles have gotten fewer and fewer.” It’s mighty hard work running a consistent, quality blog — harder than most would probably imagine, and it needs to bring something resembling joy and satisfaction in order to make it worthwhile. I know my own blog wasn’t bringing me enough of either. These are strange, difficult, and troubling times, and the work you’ve been doing — trying to get people to think, question, and examine their biases and preconceptions — while always tricky, has perhaps never been more difficult. Thanks for all the knowledge, enlightenment, curiosity, and kindness to date. I look forward to whatever comes next.
Janet Givens
You have hit the nail on the head, Tim, as always. I’m tired. Eager to see where I wind up after my break. Less tired anyway, I hope.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Everyone needs a break. We need fresh air and sunshine free from constant deadlines. We need to let days simply unfold in front of us like a magic carpet. We all have work ahead of us in this world and one must garner the time to see what that work for each one of us will be. Blessings to you, Janet, as you explore and decide what’s next. Spring is birthing time. I’m sure you’ll discover lots of new things to bring to the table.
Janet Givens
Thanks so much Joan. I’ve been shedding other commitments and obligations as well. I’m tired of “having to,” you know. It’ll be interesting (to me anyway) to see just how far I can take this stepping back. Time will tell. Ta ta for now. And hi to Bill.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Kathleen Pooler
Oh, Janet, the picture of you and Woody says it all. You are so wise to listen to your inner voice that tells you to step back and give yourself time for the next phase in your journey. May you return renewed and refreshed. You will be missed but what you are doing is so important in the long haul. Happy Spring break!😊
Janet Givens
Thank you so much, Kathy. You have been here practically from the beginning and have been so generous with your time and good counsel. May your own healing journey continue apace.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Janet Morrison
I’ll miss your blogs while you take a break, but the idea sounds inviting. For now, I’ll keep at it at least on Mondays. Enjoy your change of pace. I hope you find your smiles again, Janet! Have a wonderful spring! I’ll see you when you come back, no matter what form your blog takes.
Janet Givens
Thanks, Janet. I appreciate your support.
It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! Mark Twain
I hope you find your happy place…Looking forward to your comeback in whatever guise it takes..I think spring makes us all feel that we don’t quite know what which is why I like this quote…Enjoy!
Carol recently posted…The Annual Bloggers Bash Awards…Voting is now open…
Janet Givens
Thank you, Carol. That Mark Twain: he had a phrase for pretty much any occasion. I’m glad you found this one.
I’m sad! Everyone else here who has commented is so nice and letting you go gracefully. But I feel like I’ve gotten to know you so well through your blog. Your life, your relationships to nature and family and the past. I have enjoyed your musings and your wisdom. I will miss you!
Jane Goodall is a living saint (in my mind). I met her once at a conference in San Francisco. I could see her halo (truly). A wonderful quote to begin your goodbye to us. I hope it’s not too long. In the meantime, I wish you joy in every day.
Pamela recently posted…The Steamy Trunk
Janet Givens
You know, Pam, when I wrote my first draft of this post, I was aware of feeling sad and I wrote of that. But as I got closer to posting it, I realized I was feeling more eager anticipation than sadness. I thank you for your sadness, though. I’m touched.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
All the best to you Janet, it must seem the right time for you to have a break 🙂
Janet Givens
Thanks Debbie. Time will tell. I’ll start to take notes on this next week.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Darlene Foster
Enjoy your break. Spring is a good time to do housecleaning, in your mind as well.
Janet Givens
This is true, Darlene. Fresh starts, new beginnings, and reconciliations: Spring calls them all to mind for me. I thank you for your your support.
Kate Pill
A student of mine once gave me this wonderful advice and now I’m sharing it with you – “You do you.”
Do what you need to do, be what you need to be, find what you need to find. In short – Do You.
Hugs to you, you marvelouss beasty xx
Janet Givens
Thanks Kate. That one’s a keeper.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Pamela Jessen
Janet, I hope you enjoy a truly wonderful break! It sounds like you have much to do and many plans to stay busy. Where you live is such a naturally beautiful place, and the work you’ve mentioned will only enhance that beauty.
Savour and enjoy! We’ll miss you but will see you back here when you’re ready.
Janet Givens
Thanks so much, Pam.
Well I connected with you just as you are taking a break! I totally understand though. I’ve been blogging for five plus years and my blogs…I write two now…have certainly evolved over the years. I love that they grow as I do. I know you’ve discovered that to be true as well.
I look forward to your return in June!
Janet Givens
Thanks so much, Cindy. I appreciate your stopping by. June will be here before we know it.
Love how I feel reading this xx very nice Janet!
Janet Givens
What a great thing to say, Orla. Thank you so much. I’m so pleased. I’ll be posting my new plan to my subscribers, soon. Stay tuned.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break
Marian Wood
Sometimes a break is very necessary. Hope you have enjoyed your time away and welcome back,
Janet Givens
I have, Marian. And needed it more than I expected. Two more months and I’ll be ready to get back in the saddle.
Janet Givens recently posted…Spring Break