How to peel a hardboiled egg

I’ve FINALLY found how to peel a hardboiled egg so that it will turn out smooth.

There are countless theories out there, and I’ve tried most of them.

  • Eggs must be fresh (we have free range chickens; I have fresh eggs.) — nope.
  • Eggs must be old (so I hold them aside for three weeks.) — nope.
  • Must run the boiled eggs under cold water right away — nope.
  • Must let eggs sit in the hot water until the water cools on its own — nope
  • Crack the eggs and let them sit in the water overnight — nope.

But now I know the secret. I don’t really know WHY it works, I know only that it does. Something I’ve found true in life generally, yes? (I’m still pondering that fax machine).

Here’s a half-minute video clip to show you.

Video taken by my mom and edited by first son. Thanks Ma and Dave.

Can you tell this is my first video clip? I’ll work on the text first, next time.

One small jar with a lid, warm water, and a few shakes. Who knew it could be so easy?

My New Year’s gift to you.

How do you peel a hardboiled egg? What fool proof way have you discovered?

14 Responses

  1. Claire
    | Reply

    I’ve always put six eggs in a small pan, cover with cold water, bring to boil for a few minutes but not so long that eggs crack, turn off heat, cover, remove to cooler part of stove, let sit for 20 minutes. Pour off warm water, fill pan & eggs with cold water, throw in a few ice cubes. Let sit a few mins. They peel perfectly. Husb has learned to boil eggs in instant pot very quickly & has no peeling problems. Not sure if he puts them in cold water after cooking. But guess who now has the full-time job! 🙂

    • Janet Givens
      | Reply

      Hi Claire
      I’m intrigued with the instant pot method. Nevertheless, let the record show, I have gone your route — that was a fairly standard egg operation in my young adulthood — minus the ice. Could the ice have made that much difference? We’ll never know.
      Thanks for starting us off.
      Janet Givens recently posted…How to peel a hardboiled eggMy Profile

  2. Marian Beaman
    | Reply

    Just what I needed — an online demonstration of egg peeling in the kitchen.

    I had thought eggs had to be old(er), but yesterday I had trouble with that. Count on me to use your warm water hack, Janet!
    Marian Beaman recently posted…Singing from The Golden Song Book at Rheems SchoolMy Profile

  3. Susan
    | Reply

    I empty it and crack up the eggs then put put cold waker over it—the water gets into the cracks and after a while it peels off easily

    • Janet Givens
      | Reply

      Hi Susan

      Methinks we doing essentially the same thing. Only difference, I think, is time (and energy to shake the jar). Come over to my world; you’d be most welcome.
      Janet Givens recently posted…How to peel a hardboiled eggMy Profile

  4. Arlene Smith
    | Reply

    I will try this! Thank you.

  5. Carolyn
    | Reply

    Thank you for a really useful hint. It’s been bugging me the last couple of years

    • Janet Givens
      | Reply

      I know! I don’t really remember feeling “I MUST solve this” until this year. Maybe this year it was only “I CAN solve this”. Thanks for stopping by.
      Janet Givens recently posted…How to peel a hardboiled eggMy Profile

  6. Jenny
    | Reply

    This cracks me up!

  7. Darlene Foster
    | Reply

    This is very clever and I loved the video! To be honest, I don’t have problem peeling eggs, unless the eggs are very fresh. But this is a good tip.
    Darlene Foster recently posted…Who’s That Indie Author? Debra Purdy KongMy Profile

    • Janet Givens
      | Reply

      Ah, so you hold to the old-eggs-peel-better philosophy? I wonder just how old they have to be? I haven’t peeled a store bought egg in years. Decades? But now that I think of it, I don’t recall ever having an egg peeling problem in high school when I peeled a hard boiled egg every afternoon for my lunch during my junior year. Those were definitely store bought eggs. Methinks we’re onto something.
      Janet Givens recently posted…The Mindful GrandparentMy Profile

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